It is Time for Jesus' Followers to Speak Up!


       Recently I read a blog by Bob Russell, a minister from Louisville, Kentucky, that truly moved me.  He challenged me to think deeper about what I can and should do to support my great country, the USA.
       The Supreme Court came down today, June 30, 2014,  in favor of the Hobby Lobby stores regarding their religious freedom to not pay for abortions for their employees.                                                                                                      
       Personally, I am thankful for this.
       Let me be the first to admit I am ashamed of how some religious people and groups have stood up for various religious principles and overlooked others.  For the people of God to be drawn into politics for  power and money purposes is a big mistake.
      On the other hand, there are certain principles in the way of Jesus that require bold affirmation::
            -Protection and sanctity of life.
            -Freedom for individuals and corporations owned by individuals to have their own convictions 
              without being forced out of them.
           -Freedom for preachers, as well as others, to speak up about what is right and wrong. Martin          
             Luther King stood for freedom of speech and freedom to stand for justice. These ideas were
             rooted in his convictions taught to him in the church. Should Martin Luther King have been forced to
             stay out of politics just because he was a preacher?

           -Jesus commended John the Baptist for confronting Herod regarding marriage issues.

           -Jesus' followers in America have unique responsibilities that others may not have around the          
            world. Our government was formed to be led "by the people" and "for the people". That means the  
            "salt and the light" of Christians is to be impacting our country. We honor our government by  
            submission, paying taxes and voting. Only then, we are being good citizens.

          -Jesus' followers have much to be accountable for because of our blessings. "To whom much is
           given, much shall be required." Luke 12:48

         -Jesus teaches His disciples to be 24/7/365  followers, not one-day-a-week followers. This means that
          our ethics flow out into our daily lives. This includes where we work and where we live.
Larry Wishard


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