12.3- How you treat anyone is how you treat everyone.
12.3- How you treat anyone is how you treat everyone. Watch how your friends treat the waiter/waitress and know that this is how they speak to others "under" them. There is no caste system in the way the creator designed us. Our designer did not make any humans to be "junk". All human beings are made in the image of God. No "put down" terms are appropriate for a child of God. In the ideal attitude there is no superiority between Jews, Gentiles, men, women, free from debt and those no credit rating, employee, employer,. Own a home or rent a home. None superior and inferior. The class, caste system is not God's original design. Yes men and women have different roles but each is directly created by God in his image and related to his/her designer by creation and ideally by allowing the designer to blaze the trail through this life. This is the best way of life. How you treat anyone is how you treat everyone. John 4. 27 And at this point His disciples ...