6.5- False gods get exposed.
6.5- False gods get exposed. Jesus loved his disciples, but he knew they would have some hard moments. Temptations they thought they could overcome better than others was incorrect as it turned out. When they messed up it had a certain danger to it. They would beat up on themselves and beat up on others. His desire was that they would realize they were off track and turn back to Him and His love and mercy. This would transform them to overcome better than beating themselves up more and more. Notice how Jesus counseled his good friend Peter. I paraphrase, Jesus: “When you fall down and get disappointed in yourself, get up and receive mercy and be transformed into a stronger helper and then help others.” Peter: “Lord, I’m stronger than these other disciples. I will not deny you.” Jesus: “Peter, before your morning alarm clock goes off you will deny me three times.” Peter denied that he even knew Jesus and finally cursed to make it clear he was not a disciple of Jesus. Then he...