12.21-Strong leadership and strong love includes strong discipline.
12.21-Strong leadership and strong love includes strong discipline. We were told at the beginning of the Cowboy season that we had playoff caliber players and coaches. I’m not sure of this right now. In my opinion and from what I have seen on the field and on the sidelines in the last few games I would say that the leadership of the team is not in good hands. The path to respect is not to threaten action, but to take action. I once watched an NFL coach, Wade Phillips, fire one of his players for being late to practice. I saw it persona lly and then I saw the parts of the firing that went on television. I happened to be at a Broncos news conference in person as anniversary gift to my wife. At the time I had a political talk radio program on a commercial radio station in Denver in the year 1989 with a media press pass. The player fired for being late was not a superstar, but a marginal player but I’m guessing that him being released for being late made ...