
Showing posts from March 31, 2024

4.7- 55 years ago today I was learning the importance of using whatever gift

 4.7- 55 years ago today I was learning the importance of using whatever gift you have been given to help others. I was with a group of people I had never seen before that day, though they lived near where I grew up. I had heard the name of one of them. He was an influential man who supervised a bunch of teachers and students in our area. When teachers and principals needed help he was a resource person to lead the leaders. He was a member of a small congregation. In the same group was a farmer who had been asked to help the small group sing some favorite songs, “Amazing Grace” “The Old Rugged Cross.” When people come together to help each other to have hope it is a marvelous sight. Some in the group were talented and some of us were just doing the best we could and some were just beginning to try to teach about the ways of love. I am drawn to groups where the people are treated with equality. Learning what true love looks like is more easily reflected where all people regar...

4.6- After a great success the is a bit of a danger that comes next.

 4.6- After a great success the is a bit of a danger that comes next. The drain of the energy in the victory event should be followed by healthy restoration through decompression, nutrition and joyful, healthy and playful events that are free from moral danger. This week I had a day of amazing "yes" answers to prayer. One event culminated 44 years of prayers for something. Then I was drained and got into a bad thought drainage ditch. Thankfully, three of my buddies came by to help me to overcome evil thoughts with good thoughts. Then back on the highway of joy and positive progress. Hebrews 12. 4  In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood.   5  And have you completely forgotten this word of encouragement that addresses you as a father addresses his son? It says, “My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline,      and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, 6  because the Lord disci...

4.5- Yesterday laying under a warm electric blanket i didn't want to get out of bed to do my "job."

 4.5- Yesterday laying under a warm electric blanket i didn't want to get out of bed to do my "job." Take of .yself and encourage others. chunk1 verb gerund or present participle: chunking NORTH AMERICAN divide (something) into chunks. "chunk four pounds of pears" (in psychology or linguistic analysis) group together (connected items or words) so that they can be stored or processed as single concepts. Inch by inch everything is a cinch. Each day is all the work and concern we need to think about and do for that day. Worry is not a good thing. If God brings you to it He will bring you through it. Chunk things down and amazing things can be done. In January of 2012 I didn't know how many days I could do it but I wanted to write down a positive thought for the day or a little piece of our history as a family. Now for eleleven years with the help the good Lord and of my family and friends I have been allowed to do for 4,477 days in a row. One step at a time.. ...

4.4 To deeply listen to what people we care about "want" is a super power.

 4.4 To deeply listen to what people we care about "want" is a super power. To have a compassionate heart is not a flaw but a feature. To see the image of the author of life in all humans breaks down barriers. James 1. 19  My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry,   20  because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires.   21  Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.

4.3- Diane Foley believes God is good.

 4.3- Diane Foley believes God is good. She is a mother who saw her beloved son beheaded. She had a chance to meet the man who did it. She said yes she would like to meet him to communicate to Alex that she saw him as a human being created in the image of God. Cullum Mosely co-wrote the book, American Mother. She sat down at the table to change the script from hate and violence from vengeance and more hate to a story of grace, mercy and peace. Indeed it is true that an eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind. As she approached the meeting she prayed God would be with her. She said that the transforming power is the goodness of God. I'm remembering today that Good Friday has changed the script from hate your enemies to love your enemies. She said that belief in the goodness of God was a superpower. The empty tomb proves forever that this is so. Romans 12.1 14  Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.   15  Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn...

4.2- The right kind of freedom versus the wrong kind of freedom.

 4.2- The right kind of freedom versus the wrong kind of freedom. We were born to be free. This kind gives us the mastery under God to become excellent farmers and craftsmen. We fall down and get up in this pursuit, but we gain spiritual humility which helps us improve. Ready. fire and aim better. Fake freedom is fly paper and the fly. The fly thinks, " I can land and have some hyper pleasure" but paper says to the fly, "I have you." A freedom done with no self control becomes an addiction. We who are children of God enjoy his mercies new each.morning to have a day of grace mercy and peace if we receive them for that is what he is sending our way. 1 Peter 2 13  Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority,   14  or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right.   15  For it is God’s will that by doing good you should silen...

4.1- What did Jesus have 264,990,000 of that we, the average American, has 610,280,000 of?

 4.1- What did Jesus have 264,990,000 of that we, the average American, has 610,280,000 of? Yesterday I was honored with a lovely pre-Easter dinner hosted by Jeff and Donna Wishard. We enjoyed a time of worship, dinner and relaxing fellowship in their beautiful, redesigned back yard. It was one of the most joyous, peaceful evenings I have ever experienced in my 77 years of celebrating Easter. I'm so blessed. When we are relaxed and decompressed we absorb the very best feelings from each other. Easter is about the same time as passover. God provided that a lamb would be given as a sacrifice to to take away the sins of his children. Christians celebrate Easter as the time the Jesus breathed his last breath, approximately, 264, 990,000 at age 33.(22,000) per day. Between now and my last I plan to live in Easter hope in each breath. Jesus was in the tomb after his last breath about 2024 years ago and three days later he was resurrected to be alive forever with all of God's children...