
Showing posts from June 16, 2013

Did the disciples chose Jesus or did Jesus choose them?

Intensive Daily Bible Reading   If you have ten minutes, read Jesus from the Gospels. (Read prayerfully seeking guidance from Jesus for your personal situation.) If you have thirty minutes, read Jesus and the New Testament selection. If you have forty minutes, read Jesus, the New Testament and a Psalm selection. If you have an hour, read all the readings. Think of this time as an intimate conversation with your Father in Heaven. Listen for something of His love from His heart to yours today.     Date: 6.22.13     Read a chapter of Jesus : John 15. Read a chapter from Acts: 22. Read a chapter from this New Testament Book: Ephesians 5. Read a paragraph from a Holy Spirit inspired older teacher to a younger teacher:2 Timothy 2.14-26 Read a verse about the beauty of the Word of God: Psalm 119.169 Read a couple of chapters from the Old Testament: 2 Kings 15,16 Read a chapter from Wisdom Literature: Eccle...

What is another name for "The Helper"

Intensive Daily Bible Reading   If you have ten minutes, read Jesus from the Gospels. (Read prayerfully seeking guidance from Jesus for your personal situation.) If you have thirty minutes, read Jesus and the New Testament selection. If you have forty minutes, read Jesus, the New Testament and a Psalm selection. If you have an hour, read all the readings. Think of this time as an intimate conversation with your Father in Heaven. Listen for something of His love from His heart to yours today.     Date:6.21.13     Read a chapter of Jesus : John 14. Read a chapter from Acts: 21. Read a chapter from this New Testament Book: Ephesians 4. Read a paragraph from a Holy Spirit inspired older teacher to a younger teacher: 2 Timothy 2.1-13 Read a verse about the beauty of the Word of God: Psalm 119.168 Read a couple of chapters from the Old Testament: 2 Kings 13,14 Read a chapter from Wisdom Literature: Eccles...

What is the main example Jesus wants us to follow?

Intensive Daily Bible Reading   If you have ten minutes, read Jesus from the Gospels. (Read prayerfully seeking guidance from Jesus for your personal situation.) If you have thirty minutes, read Jesus and the New Testament selection. If you have forty minutes, read Jesus, the New Testament and a Psalm selection. If you have an hour, read all the readings. Think of this time as an intimate conversation with your Father in Heaven. Listen for something of His love from His heart to yours today.     Date:5.20.13     Read a chapter of Jesus : John 13. Read a chapter from Acts: 20. Read a chapter from this New Testament Book: Ephesians 3. Read a paragraph from a Holy Spirit inspired older teacher to a younger teacher:2 Timothy 1.15-18 Read a verse about the beauty of the Word of God: Psalm 119.167 Read a couple of chapters from the Old Testament:2 Kings 11,12 Read a chapter from Wisdom Literature: Ecclesi...

What happens to someone who loves their life?

Intensive Daily Bible Reading   If you have ten minutes, read Jesus from the Gospels. (Read prayerfully seeking guidance from Jesus for your personal situation.) If you have thirty minutes, read Jesus and the New Testament selection. If you have forty minutes, read Jesus, the New Testament and a Psalm selection. If you have an hour, read all the readings. Think of this time as an intimate conversation with your Father in Heaven. Listen for something of His love from His heart to yours today.     Date:6.19.13     Read a chapter of Jesus :  John 12. Read a chapter from Acts: 19. Read a chapter from this New Testament Book: Ephesians 2. Read a paragraph from a Holy Spirit inspired older teacher to a younger teacher: 2 Timothy 1.3-14 Read a verse about the beauty of the Word of God: Psalm 119.166 Read a couple of chapters from the Old Testament: 2 Kings 9,10 Read a chapter from Wisdom Literature: E...

Why did Jesus resurrect Lazrus?

Intensive Daily Bible Reading   If you have ten minutes, read Jesus from the Gospels. (Read prayerfully seeking guidance from Jesus for your personal situation.) If you have thirty minutes, read Jesus and the New Testament selection. If you have forty minutes, read Jesus, the New Testament and a Psalm selection. If you have an hour, read all the readings. Think of this time as an intimate conversation with your Father in Heaven. Listen for something of His love from His heart to yours today.     Date:6.18.13     Read a chapter of Jesus : John 11. Read a chapter from Acts:18. Read a chapter from this New Testament Book: Ephesians 1. Read a paragraph from a Holy Spirit inspired older teacher to a younger teacher: 2 Timothy 1.1,2 Read a verse about the beauty of the Word of God: Psalm 119.165 Read a couple of chapters from the Old Testament: 2 Kings 7,8 Read a chapter from Wisdom Literature: Ecclesiast...

What does the good shepherd do for his sheep?

Intensive Daily Bible Reading   If you have ten minutes, read Jesus from the Gospels. (Read prayerfully seeking guidance from Jesus for your personal situation.) If you have thirty minutes, read Jesus and the New Testament selection. If you have forty minutes, read Jesus, the New Testament and a Psalm selection. If you have an hour, read all the readings. Think of this time as an intimate conversation with your Father in Heaven. Listen for something of His love from His heart to yours today.     Date: 6.17.13     Read a chapter of Jesus : John 10. Read a chapter from Acts: 17 Read a chapter from this New Testament Book: Galatians 6 Read a paragraph from a Holy Spirit inspired older teacher to a younger teacher: 1 Timothy 6.20,21 Read a verse about the beauty of the Word of God: Open Read a couple of chapters from the Old Testament: 2 Kings 6. Read a chapter from Wisdom Literature:  Ecclesiastes 6...

There was only one thing the blind man knew. What was it?

Intensive Daily Bible Reading   If you have ten minutes, read Jesus from the Gospels. (Read prayerfully seeking guidance from Jesus for your personal situation.) If you have thirty minutes, read Jesus and the New Testament selection. If you have forty minutes, read Jesus, the New Testament and a Psalm selection. If you have an hour, read all the readings. Think of this time as an intimate conversation with your Father in Heaven. Listen for something of His love from His heart to yours today.     Date: 6.16.13     Read a chapter of Jesus : John 9. Read a chapter from Acts: 16. Read a chapter from this New Testament Book: Galatians 5. Read a paragraph from a Holy Spirit inspired older teacher to a younger teacher: 1 Timothy 6.17-19 Read a verse about the beauty of the Word of God: Psalm 119.164 Read a couple of chapters from the Old Testament: 2 Kings 4,5 Read a chapter from Wisdom Literature: Ecclesi...

Father's Day Thoughts

Father’s Day Thoughts Today, I mentally surveyed my hall of fame for great fathers I have known.   They are real.   They know their children well.   What gives them joy and what makes them sad.   Leadership is constantly on their mind.   Children are drawn to their voice.   A well-rounded life is their life and so their children’s as well.    This is a joyful life.   They focus on being good at their top priority, being a good father.   They model the best things by loving their children’s mother.   " Strong" is defined by their character day after day.   When the wolf is at the door they are ready to answer the call.   Why?   Because they don’t trust their fleshly strength, but God’s strength.   They are bold in God.   Trying constantly to help their children know that "those who are with us are more than those who are with them". (2 Kings 6.16)   Steady because the promises of God are ste...