4.21- Have you heard people speak of people born on first or second base?
4.21- Have you heard people speak of people born on first or second base? What does it mean? If you were born into a family that cherished all children regardless of their strengths and weaknesses then you were born on first. These believe children are great. They believe in angels helping to protect children. If you were born into a family that gave freedom to choose your own path without manipulation when you became an adult and yet forgave you when you came home then you were born on second base. These communities have an atmosphere of grace, mercy and peace as the air they breathe. If you we born in a country where freedom of religion and literacy was an expected norm then you were born on third base. These nations have people dying to get in the country rather than dying to get out of the country. If your community and school was filled with teachers and coaches who believed in the God of love and believed in great potential for all students then you were born on fourth base....