6.25- My first father's day and today I knew what my father showed me.
6.25- My first father's day and today I knew what my father showed me. The first day of the week is a day to clean your mind and body and be your best self. Put your best foot forward. Shining, smile drenched in joy was in our hearts as we headed to church services. There I would meet with my grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and others. We would have Sunday School. There the children were taught by Frances Land Fields. She was a banker on Monday through Saturday but on Sunday she was a teacher at the Oak Ridge church. Ed Fink was a gin worker on Monday through Saturday, but on Sunday morning at 9.30am he was the teenager Sunday school teacher. My aunt Laura Milton was the ladies Sunday school teacher. Then at 10.30am we had church service. Uncle Bob Wishard was the adult Sunday school teacher for the men. There in Sunday school there was a discussion of the hard questions and illustrations and testimony of how God had blessed us with rain or healing or comforted us in grief. ...