
Showing posts from May 25, 2014

Are you sure you want to be a leader?

5.31.14 Day; 151 Favorite Verse: Thought for the day: Jesus Reading (Ten Minutes): Mark 10.32-45 + Rest of New Testament: 1 Corinthians 15.12-19 +Psalm of the Day: Psalm 96.4-6 +Proverb of the Day: Proverbs 15.26 +Rest of Old Testament:1 Kings 18,19

The danger of arrogance to the rich

5.30.14 Day 150 Favorite Verse: Thought for the day: Jesus Reading (Ten Minutes): Mark 10.17-31 + Rest of New Testament:1 Corinthians 15.1-11 +Psalm of the Day: Psalm 96.4-6 +Proverb of the Day: Proverbs 15.25 +Rest of Old Testament:1 Kings 16,17

Love children

5.29.14 Day: 149 Favorite Verse: Thought for the day: Jesus Reading (Ten Minutes): Mark 10.13-16 + Rest of New Testament:1 Corinthians 14.37-40 +Psalm of the Day: Psalm 96.1-3 +Proverb of the Day: Proverbs 15.24 +Rest of Old Testament: 1 Kings 14,15

Notice what God is putting together and don't take it apart

5.28.14 Day 148 Favorite Verse: Thought for the day: Jesus Reading (Ten Minutes): Mark 10.1-12 + Rest of New Testament:1 Corinthians 14.34-36 +Psalm of the Day: Psalm 95. +Proverb of the Day: Proverbs 15.23 +Rest of Old Testament:1 Kings 12,13

Seek to Understand Rather Than Being Understood

Jesus ....            loved Saul and transformation happened.            led Paul to write that we are to overcome evil with good.            entered this world of hatred that killed babies to teach us to love those who persecute us.            left this world being injured but declaring that He wanted God to pardon His killers.            was asked to reconcile brothers fighting over stuff and taught that bigger barns is no                   answer.            heard the question “What is truth?” and answered with “I am the truth.”            taught in a world filled with doubt of ...

Motivation for peace.

5.27.147 Day 147 Favorite Verse: Thought for the day: Jesus Reading (Ten Minutes): Mark 9.38-50 + Rest of New Testament:1 Corinthians 14.26-33 +Psalm of the Day: Psalm 94.20-23 +Proverb of the Day: Proverbs 15.22 +Rest of Old Testament:1Kings 10,11