6.18-Wise men for thousands of years have taught us to be humble.
6.18- Wise men for thousands of years have taught us to be humble. What does it mean? One of my friends said, "To not be so full of yourself. Remembering that many people are more intelligent than you so don't pretend to be a 'know it all'. The most successful teacher who ever walked on the planet was born and laid in a manger. At the end of his earthly life he breathed his last breathe between two theives. He had taught that it was good to be invited to banquet and to attend, but be sure and take the lowest seat there. He said if you throw a banquet yourself be sure to invite poor people who cannot return the favor and therefor the reward is to go straight to God. One of his students wrote that he would be tempted to exalt himself so he was given a thorn in the flesh of his body to make him humble. He had asked God three times to remove the thorn, but three times God had so no. It was revealed to him that God's greatest power is shown to us in our greatest ...