
Showing posts from October 18, 2020

10.25- Can’t Die But Once

 10.25-   Can’t Die But Once Matthew 10:26-32 Tim Gustafson Born into slavery and badly treated as a young girl, Harriet Tubman (C. 1822-1913) found a shining ray of hope in the Bible stories her mother told. The account of Israel’s escape from slavery under Pharaoh showed her a God who desired freedom for His people. Harriet found freedom when she slipped over the Maryland state line and out of slavery. She couldn’t remain content, however, knowing so many were still trapped in captivity. So she led more than a dozen rescue missions to free those still in slavery, dismissing the personal danger. “I can’t die but once,” she said. Harriet knew the truth of the statement: “Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul” (Mattew 10:28). Jesus spoke those words as He sent His disciples on their first mission. He knew they would face danger, and not everyone would receive them warmly. So why expose the disciples to the ri...

10.24- We’ve Got the Power!

 10.24-   We’ve Got the Power!                        Romans 7:14-25                         Xochitl Dixon     The loud crackling noise startled me. Recognizing the sound, I raced to the kitchen. I’d accidently tapped the start button on the empty coffee maker. Unplugging the appliance,                                       I grabbed the handle of the carafe. Then I touched the bottom of the container to ensure it wasn’t too hot to place on the tile counter. The smooth surface burned my fingertips, blistering my tender skin.     As my husband nursed...

10.23- Who do you choose as your leaders?

 10.23-   Who do you choose as your leaders? I suspect for some of you it is God. In addition to that answer who do you choose as your leaders? How do you choose them? Now that I have had my 74th birthday, I am reflecting on who are my leaders and why did I choose them. The answer for me came down to the ability that they have to escape the traps of this world and develop a life worth imitating. Their kids and grandkids and even co-workers want to have a similar life because they have seen close up how good and how joyful and how unusual their life is. If you look closely at certain people, those who were reared in their homes, 24/7/365, have closely observed them for their successes and failures on a day to day basis. Those trained by them, informally and formally, are able to live in the real world and make a positive difference in the lives of others. Over two thousand years ago a man wrote these amazing words: "Remember your leaders for it was they who brought you t...


 10.22-   THE TIME I WAS ARRESTED H. C. Morrison When I was a little boy two years of age, my mother died. When I was four years of age, my father died. I was living here and there and was a sinner. I was to be fourteen years of age the tenth of the coming March. It was Christmas week, and I was caught in sin and put under arrest and dragged into court. I did not cry. I had cried all the tears out of my head. My bones had pulled out of their sockets. I tried to look at the judge. I wished that I could faint. I was guilty. I did not have a friend. I was miserable, and they packed the courthouse. They looked at me and then at the judge. Their faces said, "Judge, give him the full benefit of the law and save trouble later on." It looked as if the whole universe was down on me. By and by a clerk stood up and said, "The court is open." The judge said, "Has this boy any one to represent him?" I did not know the meaning of this. I tho...

10.21- Core Principles For Today

 10.21-   Core Principles For Today We have found mercy is the big motivator for transformation and significant relationship healing. Jeremiah 20. 9  But if I say, “I will not mention his word      or speak anymore in his name,” his word is in my heart like a fire,      a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in;      indeed, I cannot. 10  I hear many whispering,      “Terror on every side!      Denounce him! Let’s denounce him!” All my friends      are waiting for me to slip, saying, “Perhaps he will be deceived;      then we will prevail over him      and take our revenge on him.” 11  But the Lord is with me like a mighty warrior;      so my persecutors will stumble and not prevail. They will fail and be thoroughly disgraced;      their dishonor...


 10.20- THE TIME I WAS ARRESTED     When I was a little boy two years of age, my mother died. When I was four years of age, my father died. I was living here and there and was a sinner. I was to be fourteen years of age the tenth of the coming March. It was Christmas week, and I was caught in sin and put under arrest and dragged into court. I did not cry. I had cried all the tears out of my head. My bones had pulled out of their sockets. I tried to look at the judge. I wished that I could faint. I was guilty. I did not have a friend. I was miserable, and they packed the courthouse. They looked at me and then at the judge. Their faces said, "Judge, give him the full benefit of the law and save trouble later on." It looked as if the whole universe was down on me. By and by a clerk stood up and said, "The court is open." The judge said, "Has this boy any one to represent him?" I did not know the meaning of this. I thought that fellow was the one who was goin...