
Showing posts from March 24, 2024

3.31- Logical family versus biological family.

 3.31- Logical family versus biological family. There are families that give their members freedom to learn and grow at their own rate and path without pressure, shame and guilt manipulation. A few allow kids to bounce back home for re-aligning of their vocational goals without making them feel like less than. I have heard of some who work with their mom or dad as a craftsman until age thirty or so without destroying their self confidence. Those who believe in our best and wildest dreams are close friends not normally biological family. There are exceptions when biological family are also our logical family, our closest friends, but that is not the norm. The chosen "logical" family are people who believe the best about us even when they see us fall short. These are the best marriages in my experience. They find something wonderful and want to live it and share it according to the hunger in the heart of a learner. Friends who become family do not steal joy but accelerate jo...

3.30- We were designed to thirst for water.

 3.30- We were designed to thirst for water. Humans were made to live in families, communities and fellowships. I love it when I meet an old friend whom I haven't seen in a while. One of my friends is also a neighbor. He and his wife brought some brownies to my home about 18 months ago. A few months later they invited my daughter, Amy, and I over for dinner and we played some games. There is a thirst to know people and be known. Until we get to know our designer it is hard to really know all the things we desperately need. We need grace and this grace is often felt and experienced most in freely giving to others without conditions. These good friends did not invite us over with any expectation in return. They were just striving to bless us and they did. Today I was expecting three friends over for coffee and fellowship and a fourth showed up. The man, my friend a d neighbor who had been away from our coffee fellowship surprised me this morning. I had originally this man and a group...

3.29- Happy. Excellent. Focused on Faith. Family. Friends. Fun.

 3.29- Happy. Excellent. Focused on Faith. Family. Friends. Fun. Bill Luttrell my brother in law was moved to heaven last year. He was a little league coach who helped raise boys whose father was not around. He gave more time to his children than anyone i know. I asked him once if he would change anything about his life what would it be. " I would have given them more time." He was a camp director for 25 straight years. He was a poll worker. He could ride a bicycle backwards at age 75. He was the most competitive 42 player and ping pong player I have known. I miss him on this day. His birthday. I never knew him to give up on anyone or any good project. Philippians 4 4  Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!   5  Let your gentle  spirit  be known to all people. The Lord is  [ d ] near.   6  Do not  [ e ] be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and pleading with thanksgiving let your requests be ma...

3.28- I have a son, Jeff, who is happy to work in the background, in fact, he seems to prefer it.

 3.28- I have a son, Jeff, who is happy to work in the background, in fact, he seems to prefer it. I admire this trait. He helped me to graduate from ear fixing yesterday. Several weeks ago, Amy and Jeff took me to the dermatologist who did a biopsy on my ear. Yes it's cancer. Yes surgery. Surgery and daily redressing the bandage for six weeks. Sure enough we had a check up after two weeks and a final after six. He has a busy job and tax season and now daily nurse for me. Dr. appointments. God blessed me with great blessings in a son and a daughter who can be tough and tender when needed. Dr. Momin said we were 90% there. No more visits. Thank you angel nurse Kayla and doc. God is my healer but so thankful for His helpers. This morning I heard a song written by Wade Bowen about having a son. Here's a pic of me and my grandson. The world says you’re ready when you’re eighteen And I was no exception to the rule Eager to try my hand and provin' that I was a man Not an ounc...