3.31- Logical family versus biological family.
3.31- Logical family versus biological family. There are families that give their members freedom to learn and grow at their own rate and path without pressure, shame and guilt manipulation. A few allow kids to bounce back home for re-aligning of their vocational goals without making them feel like less than. I have heard of some who work with their mom or dad as a craftsman until age thirty or so without destroying their self confidence. Those who believe in our best and wildest dreams are close friends not normally biological family. There are exceptions when biological family are also our logical family, our closest friends, but that is not the norm. The chosen "logical" family are people who believe the best about us even when they see us fall short. These are the best marriages in my experience. They find something wonderful and want to live it and share it according to the hunger in the heart of a learner. Friends who become family do not steal joy but accelerate jo...