4.30- Dopamine, endrophins are serotonin three internal body drugs that reduce pain and make us feel internal well being.
4.30- Dopamine, endrophins are serotonin three internal body drugs that reduce pain and make us feel internal well being. Fellowship, gratefulness, short term goals accomplished along with new and improved thinking give a surge in these good, body, naturally produced chemicals. Fifty years ago as I started my weekly writing ministry I noticed some people in suburban Dallas and my farm community had discovered a path to steady joy. Start your day with prayer and meditation. Move out to work hard and joyfully. Give it your best shot. Be the best you can be. Provide for yourself and those in need. Enjoy good fellowship with family and friends. Be grateful. Keep learning. These habits build a life of steady joy regardless of surrounding circumstances. Yesterday my cup did overflow. Had my normal reading, prayer and meditation experience. Made a today to do list. It was interrupted by better things. The inspecter passed my new, cool a/c. Recieved a call from a family member, Called a...