9.1-Plays well with others. A report card on whether you should be a teacher.
9.1- “Plays well with others.” is a section of an old time report card. I come from a family of teachers. Some teach in pre-school and some teach in graduate school. My grandmother had eight children and many of their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren have been and still are “teachers”. There is no more honorable job for which people receive “wages”. There is this teaching that everyone who follows Jesus, at some level, is a leader and a teacher, either by word or by example. I agree with this for we are all called to be salt and light. On the other hand a formal teacher or leader must be a person who has developed his/her teaching by example before their teaching by oral or written words are appropriate. No one has a life without sins. To be a formal teacher or leader does not mean you are mistake free. It does mean that you have good character training from your family and friends to be a good so...