12.18- Holding people in prayer while the great healer heals them.
12.18- Holding people in prayer while the great healer heals them. Since 1974 I have noticed there is a stirring in human hearts to get unstuck from our ruts that don't get us toward the best version of ourselves that we can be. I would be with these men in close growth relationships at least an hour per week but usually more. Some friends were given to me who extended grace and mercy. Some are in heaven now and some are still working on earth. These men held me in prayer and encouraged me to quote, "be a man and grow up." These men finished their work and went home. This morning, some of these come to mind. Joe Millican, Wayne Power, Howell Gibbs Tinker Rich, Chuck Hess, Dennis Crawford, Jeff Palmer, Felix Stalls, Doyle Thomas, Fred Adam's, Bob Hines, John Petree, Max Sommer, Irv Eggert, Joe Lemmons, Richard Petitte, Tom Petitte and Verner Ulrich and more. These men and others have teamed up with God to hold me accountable in close partnership and God and challenged...