
Showing posts from November 30, 2014

12.6-Did the same person who denied Jesus cut someone ear off in His defense?

Day of Year:340 Date: 12.6.14 Favorite Verse: Thought for the day: Jesus Reading (Ten Minutes): John 18.25-27 + Rest of New Testament: 2 Peter 2 +Psalm of the Day: Psalm 37 +Proverb of the Day: Proverbs 27.17-22

12.5-What kind of words did Jesus speak to His opponents, bold or reserved? What does this teach us?

Day of Year:339 Date: 12.5.14 Favorite Verse: Thought for the day: Jesus Reading (Ten Minutes): John 18.19-24 + Rest of New Testament: 2 Peter 1. +Psalm of the Day: Psalm 36 +Proverb of the Day: Proverbs 27.12-16

Can we be too honest with God when we pray?

I've been thinking about the mess our world is in and feel like crying.    Jesus was on the cross and cried out an honest prayer, "My God, My God why have you forsaken me."  This was not original with Him.  He had probably heard Psalm 22 quoted by a Rabbi.  In a book about prayer, Help, Wow and Thanks , Anne Lamott writes, 'Hello, is there anyone out there?  Am I too far gone, or can you help me get out of my isolated self-obsession?"  "I am exhausted and depressed beyond words, and I don't like You at all right now..." Yes, honesty with God is an absolute necessity. In fact, is unavoidable. Larry Wishard

Rejoice Always

I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy. Rabindranth Tagore

12.4-When are we tempted to say we are not friends of Jesus when we are?

Day of Year:338 Date: 12.4.14 Favorite Verse: Thought for the day: Jesus Reading (Ten Minutes): John 18.12-18 + Rest of New Testament: 1 Peter5 +Psalm of the Day: Psalm 35 +Proverb of the Day: Proverbs 27.7-11

12.3-What did Jesus tell Peter to do with his sword?

Day of Year:337 Date: 12.3.14 Favorite Verse: Thought for the day: Jesus Reading (Ten Minutes): John 18.1-11 + Rest of New Testament: 1 Peter4 +Psalm of the Day: Psalm 34 +Proverb of the Day: Proverbs 27-1-6

12.2-What did Jesus want his disciples to behold when they got to heaven?

Day of Year:336 Date: 12.2.14 Favorite Verse: Thought for the day: Jesus Reading (Ten Minutes): John 17.22-26 + Rest of New Testament: 1 Peter 3 +Psalm of the Day: Psalm 33 +Proverb of the Day: Proverbs 26.27-28

12.1-Why do the worldly hate the Jesus followers?

Day of Year:335 Date: 12.1.14 Favorite Verse: Thought for the day: Jesus Reading (Ten Minutes): John 17.13-21 + Rest of New Testament: 1 Peter2 +Psalm of the Day: Psalm 32 +Proverb of the Day: Proverbs 26.22-26

11.30-Who were the guards for the disciples of Jesus?

Day of Year:334 Date: 11.30.14 Favorite Verse: Thought for the day: Jesus Reading (Ten Minutes): John 17.11-12 + Rest of New Testament: 1 Peter 1 +Psalm of the Day: Psalm 31 +Proverb of the Day: Proverbs 26.16-21 +Rest of Old Testament:  Ezekiel 41,42