Who is the doctor and who is the healer?
This is Dr. John Rich and his wife and helper, Jo. They were a great team and close friends of ours for many years. John was a plastic surgeon. Jo is in heaven now, but John still works for Jesus in the Denver area. He often said to me, "God is the healer. We are his helpers." Day of Year: 132 Date:5.12.14 Favorite Verse: Mark 5. 26 and had endured much at the hands of many physicians, and had spent all that she had and was not helped at all, but rather had grown worse— Thought for the day: Doctors who see themselves as "gods" take too much upon themselves. Doctors who see themselves as helpers of the great "Healer" can be successful along with nurses and others as they minister to the sick. When we become arrogant and think of ourselves too highly, we will be humbled by life. Jesus healed a woman whom doctors could not help. He does this day after day. One of my good friends had open heart surg...