3.14- What Heaven Enjoys most.
3.14- What Heaven Enjoys most. I had a strange discussion last week. Since I am a retired preacher I had been assigned to help watch out for the dangers and extremes in the ministry staff at our church. It has been an interesting week. One of the youth ministers had not shown up at the church office all week so on Friday I asked him to meet me at the building for an accountability meeting. Josh arrived a bit late for our meeting with his usual upbeat attitude. “Where have you been all week?” I said, "Its been quite a week" he replied, "One of our students is in detention it takes a while to get in and out of there. My intern’s car brakes went out the first week he bought the junker so I helped him put on brakes. My wife was tied up at the women’s shelter all one day, so had to keep the kids and study at home. On Wednesday we moved our youth meeting down to under the bridge homeless place to give them some sandwiches. So it’s been busy.” I reminded him as ...