10.21- God gave us two types of choices. There are forward choices and backward choices. Forward choices lead us to happiness, serenity, abundance’s, everything God had in mind for us to have and enjoy. Backward choices lead us to anger, hatred, resentment, and jealousy, things like that. When you start taking care of yourself and you start making forward choices, your going to have to start leaving people behind. With all those friends, family, and people making bad choices, there’s going to be a gap growing between you and them. It’s not up to you to make those changes for those still making backward choices. If you attempt to close those gaps with others, your going to have to make some of those backward choices and start walking your progress in life backward. It should be up to them to start walking forward and begin making forward choices. You can’t make those choices for them they need to do it for themselves. Don’t do that, when you start walking forward in your life and ...