Attacks in Paris and WWIII?
Thoughts about the terrorist attack in Paris and the prediction by some that we approach WWIII How do foolish people talk in times of war and destruction? They say “peace is here”. They say, “things are getting better.” They say we can fix this with money and weapons when this is really a war of ideas. Freedom and liberty versus war, violence and hate. Freedom of boys and girls to go to school, versus the idea that little girls don’t need to go to school. These are not the same ideas. They are the opposite. Don’t be fooled. Freedom and openness is the opposite of religious fundamentalism. Believe it. Is it wrong to complain against God for the burden of war through the centuries? No. Great Bible heroes have always freely voiced their complaints to God. I recently went to the Grand Canyon and noticed how water erodes rock. Job said that God wore him down the same way. Who reigns? Who is over a...