
Showing posts from September 22, 2024

9.29- Are you putting off a hard but needed conversation thinking you have many months or years?

 9.29- Are you putting off a hard but needed conversation thinking you have many months or years? Then the person has a near death experience and you realize there were deep and important things to say that would enrich both of you. Do it now. Love asks forgiveness and love quickly forgives. Do it now. Today is the best day to do the right thing. Tomorrow is promised to no one. Matthew 18 15  “Now if your brother sins [ k ] , go and  [ l ] show him his fault  [ m ] in private; if he listens to you, you have gained your brother.   16  But if he does not listen  to you , take one or two more with you, so that  on the   [ n ] testimony of two or three witnesses every   [ o ] matter may be confirmed .   17  And if he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, he is to be to you as  [ p ] a Gentile and  [ q ] a tax collector.   18  Truly I say to you, whatever you  [ r ] bind on earth  [ s ] shall have been bound in heaven; and whatever

9.28- Life includes development through some hard circumstances.

9.28- Life includes development through some hard circumstances. Most of us prefer comfort rather than self discipline. My best teachers were willing to do the hard things in the work day before the easier chores. They went to the dentist early rather than procrastinate. It's the pay me now or pay me later principle. The greatest joys in life come from sticking to important responsibilities to to the end and through the end. The truth is that all of us need forgiveness and a fresh start daily from backing away from our best choices. Matthew 5. 10  “Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 11  “Blessed are you when  people  insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me.   12  Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in this same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.  

9.27- Improvement requires discomfort with the current situation.

 9.27- Improvement requires discomfort with the current situation. When helping our family or workplace for the better it will not be liked by someone or even anyone. Hugh Latimer was teaching some important moral principles and king Henry 8th didn't like what he said. He told him to go home and redo the lesson to align his lesson with the king. Larimer told his friend he would align with his king, but his king was God, not king Henry 8th. He went to teach and stuck to his lesson. His body was killed, his example and his soul lives. All the darkness in the world cannot stop the light from one candle showing a good path. Acts 4 13  Now as they observed the confidence of Peter and John and understood that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed, and  began  to recognize them  [ k ] as having been with Jesus.   14  And seeing the man who had been healed standing with them, they had nothing to say in reply.   15  But when they had ordered them to leave the  [ l ] Co

9.26- Attaching yourself to someone who knows how to handle dangerous situations is very wise.

 9.26- Attaching yourself to someone who knows how to handle dangerous situations is very wise. George Bush, 41, jumped out of airplanes to celebrate birthdays, but he was attached to a super expert. As I prepare for my future I am preparing for some dangerous moments. I too have a birthday approaching and a dangerous prep for a flight. A flight of my soul. I too am connected to a super expert. He is the one we date our years by. About 2024 years ago he proved he knows how handle all dangers in finishing well including the final flight which goes up instead of down. I'm attached to him for my flight into the unknown and I feel safe in his arms. John 14 14  “Do not let your heart be troubled;  [ a ] believe in God, believe also in Me.   2  In My Father’s house are many  [ b ] rooms; if  that  were not  so ,  [ c ] I would have told you, because I am going  there  to prepare a place for you.   3  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I am coming again and will take you to Myself

9.25- Since I was blessed to be close to Sheila when she was moved to heaven two years ago,

 9.25- Since I was blessed to be close to Sheila when she was moved to heaven two years ago, I got to know God better during that time. I still have a lot to learn. For all of us that feel weak and sinful it is good to find God is strong and comforting and especially forgiving. Ephesians 4. 25  Therefore, ridding yourselves of falsehood,  speak truth each one  of you  with his neighbor , because we are parts of one another.   26  Be angry, and  yet  do not sin ; do not let the sun go down on your anger,   27  and do not give the devil  [ t ] an opportunity.   28  The one who steals must no longer steal; but rather he must labor, producing with his own hands what is good, so that he will have  something  to share with the one who has need.   29  Let no  [ u ] unwholesome word come out of your mouth, but if  there is  any good  word  for edification  [ v ] according to the need  of the moment, say that , so that it will give grace to those who hear.   30  Do not grieve the Holy Spirit o

9.24- Thy will be done On earth as in heaven.

 9.24- Thy will be done On earth as in heaven. Anything according to the will of God can happen. It was the will of God that a nation was born about 1776 A.D. New families can form. Words, if God wills, can move a mountain. On this date about 45 years ago I used my words to speak to some guys regarding building a church building where a three bedroom brick house was sitting. Six months later, 9.20.88, a 200,00 lb. plus brick house was moving down the street at 2am in the morning. Prayer. Planning. Agreement according to the will of God and a big thing moved. 30 Jack's perfectly coordinated. Big beams and a big truck and wow! For a spiritual mountain to move we say words to God and people and if it is God's will, things move that you might think could not be moved. Remember people can change. Families can adopt new traditions. Get a new vision of what God wants moved out and moved in and lives can change for the better.. Pray. find helpers who agree something should change and

9.23- My high school graduating class. 1964

9.23- My high school graduating class. 1964