
Showing posts from April 21, 2013

Why would religious people rather have a bad man set free rather than Jesus?

Intensive Daily Bible Reading If you have ten minutes, read Jesus from the Gospels. (Read prayerfully seeking guidance from Jesus for your personal situation.) If you have thirty minutes, read Jesus and the New Testament selection. If you have forty minutes, read Jesus, the New Testament and a Psalm selection. If you have an hour, read all the readings. Think of this time as an intimate conversation with your Father in Heaven. Listen for something of His love from His heart to yours today. Date:4/27/13 Read a chapter of Jesus : Matthew 27. Read a chapter from Acts:27. Read a chapter from this New Testament Book:Revelation 17. Read a paragraph from a Holy Spirit inspired older teacher to a younger teacher:Titus 1.1-9 Read a verse about the beauty of the Word of God:Psalm 119.116 Read a couple of chapters from the Old Testament:Judges 14,15 Read a chapter from Wisdom Literature:Song of Solomon 4. Read a P...

Judas and Peter

Be careful what you turn to when you fail.   At least two choices come to mind, turning to remorse and being seized by it or turning to feel real sorrow, repentance and flowing into God’s grace.   Quietness and reflection can move us to see beyond the current failure.   If God our Father gave Jesus on the cross to provide forgiveness of sins, let us not waste it.   Failure does not mean we are forsaken by God, but that God can power us with more mercy.   Sorrow is ours during the night, but joy comes in the morning.   Above all we must guard our hearts as the Proverb writer said.   The real difference between Judas and Peter is not who chose them.   Jesus chose both.   It was not their training.     The only perfect teacher, Jesus, trained them both.   It is not one was a sinner and one was not.    They both were and we all are.   The difference is that Judas was seized with remorse and cut off his ability to ...

Did Jesus Know Who Would Betray Him when He picked His disciples?

Intensive Daily Bible Reading If you have ten minutes, read Jesus from the Gospels. (Read prayerfully seeking guidance from Jesus for your personal situation.) If you have thirty minutes, read Jesus and the New Testament selection. If you have forty minutes, read Jesus, the New Testament and a Psalm selection. If you have an hour, read all the readings. Think of this time as an intimate conversation with your Father in Heaven. Listen for something of His love from His heart to yours today. Date:4/26/13 Read a chapter of Jesus : Matthew 26. Read a chapter from Acts:26. Read a chapter from this New Testament Book:Revelation 16. Read a paragraph from a Holy Spirit inspired older teacher to a younger teacher:2Timothy 4.19-22 Read a verse about the beauty of the Word of God:Psalm 119.115 Read a couple of chapters from the Old Testament:Judges 12,13 Read a chapter from Wisdom Literature:Song of Solomon 3. Rea...

Does God expect more of some of His children than other?

Intensive Daily Bible Reading If you have ten minutes, read Jesus from the Gospels. (Read prayerfully seeking guidance from Jesus for your personal situation.) If you have thirty minutes, read Jesus and the New Testament selection. If you have forty minutes, read Jesus, the New Testament and a Psalm selection. If you have an hour, read all the readings. Think of this time as an intimate conversation with your Father in Heaven. Listen for something of His love from His heart to yours today. Date:4/25/13 Read a chapter of Jesus : Matthew 25. Read a chapter from Acts:25. Read a chapter from this New Testament Book:Revelation 15. Read a paragraph from a Holy Spirit inspired older teacher to a younger teacher:2 Timothy 4.9-18 Read a verse about the beauty of the Word of God:Psalm 119.114 Read a couple of chapters from the Old Testament:Judges 10,11 Read a chapter from Wisdom Literature:Song of Solomon 2. Read a Psalm:99 Read a few verse...

Why did Jesus teach His disciples not to cling to things?

Intensive Daily Bible Reading If you have ten minutes, read Jesus from the Gospels. (Read prayerfully seeking guidance from Jesus for your personal situation.) If you have thirty minutes, read Jesus and the New Testament selection. If you have forty minutes, read Jesus, the New Testament and a Psalm selection. If you have an hour, read all the readings. Think of this time as an intimate conversation with your Father in Heaven. Listen for something of His love from His heart to yours today. Date:4/24/13 Read a chapter of Jesus : Matthew 24. Read a chapter from Acts:24. Read a chapter from this New Testament Book:Revelation 14. Read a paragraph from a Holy Spirit inspired older teacher to a younger teacher:2 Timothy 4.1-4 Read a verse about the beauty of the Word of God:Psalm 119.113 Read a couple of chapters from the Old Testament:Judges 8,9 Read a chapter from Wisdom Literature:Song of Solomon 1. Read a Psalm:98 Read a few verses f...

Why do some religious people have children against God?

Intensive Daily Bible Reading If you have ten minutes, read Jesus from the Gospels. (Read prayerfully seeking guidance from Jesus for your personal situation.) If you have thirty minutes, read Jesus and the New Testament selection. If you have forty minutes, read Jesus, the New Testament and a Psalm selection. If you have an hour, read all the readings. Think of this time as an intimate conversation with your Father in Heaven. Listen for something of His love from His heart to yours today. Date:4/23/13 Read a chapter of Jesus : Matthew 23. Read a chapter from Acts: 23 Read a chapter from this New Testament Book:Revelation 13. Read a paragraph from a Holy Spirit inspired older teacher to a younger teacher:2 Timothy 3.1-17 Read a verse about the beauty of the Word of God:Psalm 119.112 Read a couple of chapters from the Old Testament:Judges 6,7 Read a chapter from Wisdom Literature: Ecclesiastes 12. Read a Psalm: 97 Read a few verses ...

Does Jesus Teach There Will Be Marriage in Heaven?

Intensive Daily Bible Reading If you have ten minutes, read Jesus from the Gospels. (Read prayerfully seeking guidance from Jesus for your personal situation.) If you have thirty minutes, read Jesus and the New Testament selection. If you have forty minutes, read Jesus, the New Testament and a Psalm selection. If you have an hour, read all the readings. Think of this time as an intimate conversation with your Father in Heaven. Listen for something of His love from His heart to yours today. Date:4/22/13 Read a chapter of Jesus : Matthew 22. Read a chapter from Acts:22. Read a chapter from this New Testament Book:Revelation 12. Read a paragraph from a Holy Spirit inspired older teacher to a younger teacher:2 Timothy 2.14-26 Read a verse about the beauty of the Word of God:Psalm 119.111 Read a couple of chapters from the Old Testament:Judges 5. Read a chapter from Wisdom Literature:Ecclesiastes 11. Read a Psalm:Open Read a few verses ...

What caused Jesus to get so upset?

Intensive Daily Bible Reading If you have ten minutes, read Jesus from the Gospels. (Read prayerfully seeking guidance from Jesus for your personal situation.) If you have thirty minutes, read Jesus and the New Testament selection. If you have forty minutes, read Jesus, the New Testament and a Psalm selection. If you have an hour, read all the readings. Think of this time as an intimate conversation with your Father in Heaven. Listen for something of His love from His heart to yours today. Date:4/21/13 Read a chapter of Jesus : Matthew 21. Read a chapter from Acts:21. Read a chapter from this New Testament Book:Revelation 11. Read a paragraph from a Holy Spirit inspired older teacher to a younger teacher:2 Timothy 2.1-13 Read a verse about the beauty of the Word of God:119.110 Read a couple of chapters from the Old Testament:Judges 3,4 Read a chapter from Wisdom Literature:Ecclesiastes 10. Read a Psalm:96 Read a few verses from Pro...