4.8-What to do after an embarassing failure to measure up?
4.8- There are many followers of Jesus who have experienced failure in doing what they hoped they could do. Peter had told Jesus once that though others might deny him in death that he would not. Jesus cautioned Peter not to be too overconfident. When the pressure came during the arrest of Jesus, Peter denied that he even knew Jesus and cursed to prove that with his language. Most all of us who have followed Jesus for any time have had our own moments of failure and disappointment to God, others and ourselves. In those moments we think that God has no place to use us. This is one of the amazing things about God’s grace. It comes to us after we have failed miserably. God’s kindness comes to us in these failure moments and He extends His mercy, kindness and grace. After Jesus resurrection and Peter’s denial of him, Jesus asks Him, “Do you love me more than these?” Peter responds that he loves Jesus, but ...