
Showing posts from October 12, 2014

10.18-The witness of the Scriptures point to one person, Jesus

Day of Year: 291 Date: 10.18.14 Favorite Verse: Thought for the day: Jesus Reading (Ten Minutes): John 5.39-47 + Rest of New Testament: Philemon 1.21-25 +Psalm of the Day: Psalm147.15-18 +Proverb of the Day: Proverbs 22.11,12 +Rest of Old Testament: Jeremiah20,21

10.17-What did Jesus say was the test of whether His word was inside of someone?

Day of Year: 290 Date: 10.17.14 Favorite Verse: Thought for the day: Jesus Reading (Ten Minutes): John 5.37,38 + Rest of New Testament: Philemon 1.10-20 +Psalm of the Day: Psalm147.12-14 +Proverb of the Day: Proverbs 22.9,10 +Rest of Old Testament: Jeremiah 18,19

10.16-The greatest witness to Jesus being God's Son is His Work

Day of Year: 289 Date: 10.16.14 Favorite Verse: Thought for the day: Jesus Reading (Ten Minutes): John 5.33-36 + Rest of New Testament: Philemon 1.1-9 +Psalm of the Day: Psalm147.10-11 +Proverb of the Day: Proverbs 22.5-8 +Rest of Old Testament: Jeremiah 16,17'

10.15-Does Jesus teach that the wicked who die will be resurrected?

Day of Year: 288 Date: 10.15.14 Favorite Verse: Thought for the day: Jesus Reading (Ten Minutes): John 5.25-32 + Rest of New Testament: Titus 3.12-15 +Psalm of the Day: Psalm147.6-9 +Proverb of the Day: Proverbs22.1-4 +Rest of Old Testament: Jeremiah 14,15

10.14-According to Jesus who is the person who possesses eternal life even while still living on earth?

Day of Year: 287 Date: 10.14.14 Favorite Verse: Thought for the day: Jesus Reading (Ten Minutes): John 5.18-24 + Rest of New Testament: Titus 2.1-15-3.11 +Psalm of the Day: Psalm147.2-5 +Proverb of the Day: Proverbs21.27-31 +Rest of Old Testament: Jeremiah 12,13

10.13-What important question did Jesus ask the sick man?

Day of Year: 286 Date: 10.13.14 Favorite Verse: Thought for the day: Jesus Reading (Ten Minutes): John 5.1-17 + Rest of New Testament: Titus 2.1-14 +Psalm of the Day: Psalm147.1 +Proverb of the Day: Proverbs21.23-26 +Rest of Old Testament: Jeremiah 10,11

10.12-At what hour was a man's son healed by Jesus?

Day of Year: 285 Date: 10.12.14 Favorite Verse: Thought for the day: Jesus Reading (Ten Minutes): John 4.46-54 + Rest of New Testament: Titus 1.10-16 +Psalm of the Day: Psalm146.9,10 +Proverb of the Day: Proverbs21.19-22 +Rest of Old Testament: Jeremiah 8,9