10 Keys To Keeping the Fun in Dysfunctional Family Life

10 Keys To Keeping the Fun in Dysfunctional Family Life

Today, 9.1.15, Sheila and I have been married for 48 years.  In my mind I think I feel about 40.  Listening to my groans when I move I seem older than I am.  One of my favorite preachers, Rick Atchley,  told me on Sunday, “It’s okay to groan, but not to complain.”  

I want to thank you my FB friends for your comments and “likes” yesterday.  When I left the house I had been reflecting on the day of our rehearsal dinner and I asked Sheila to post that picture taken at mom and dad’s place a few days prior to our wedding.  I asked her to put a title on it of “48 years of fun” and that is how I choose to remember it.

Many of you added to our joy yesterday by making kind comments letting us know you were thinking of us.  Thanks.  Some of you have seen us going through times that didn’t seem like fun at the moment.

All of our family and friends have been important to our development as a couple and we are still a work in progress as we all are.

Thanks to all of you who read this for your blessing in our lives.  If someone were to ask me what were the keys to keeping the fun going I would share this:

1.       Choose good friends.  Choose your friends choose your future.
2.       Admit the truth when you are failing.
3.       Listen for the voice of Jesus in the storm and do what He says.
4.       Be humble and give proper credit to God’s mercy to messed up sinners as the reason for any success.
5.       Enjoy every meal together that you can.
6.       Focus on love for God and not on each other’s failures.
7.       Fuel up the heart, soul, mind and body of each other.
8.       Take care of the needs of each other.
9.       Enjoy the little things in life like being able to get up and move about and dress yourself.
10.   Focus on what God wants for you and do not judge His path for others, even kids and grandkids.  Do not judge kids and grandkids or anyone- rather love and enjoy them.

Yesterday while working out at the health club a friend came up and commented upon being thankful to be here.  He said, “Better than the alternative.”  A guy overheard and said, “Depends on where you’re goin’”  Well, I hope we are goin’ in a good direction today and every day.
Larry Wishard


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