Happy Birthday To the Greatest Sister In The World, (IMHO)

Today is my Sister, Hazanne's 80th birthday.  I have been blessed by her all my life.  She was about eleven when I was born and a real caregiver and lover of kids so she joined my mom in watching after me. She has continued this until this day.  When I decided to go to Abilene to college, she and her wonderful husband Bill Luttrell, invited me to live with them and their kids. What a blast!  

On this her birthday I celebrate the accomplishments of her life.  She was leader in our school whom I looked up to.  She was and is a superwife, supermom, supergrandmother, supergreatgrandmother, superaunt and superfriend..  She loves to make people laugh at life while have a focus on the best values life has to offer. 

I love all my family.  Dad, Mom, and Reed who have moved to heaven now.  We enjoyed a special dinner last night hosted by my brother Bill and his wife Helen.

Thank you God for all my family and today especially Hazanne Luttrell.


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