10.31- There is something that has been around for 2,000 years


There is something that has been around for 2,000 years.  It's name may seem strange to some who read this.  It is the ekklesia

Ron Rose wrote

On set occasions,” she continued, “men would leave their cities, villages, and families. They would gather here in this large open field and talk about their needs, their concerns, their dreams, ideas, and philosophies. In these gatherings they would share stories, argue, rant, reason and persuade. They would set new directions and form common goals--they learned from each other.” Ummmmm.
They were 'Better Together' as my friend Israel Lewis says.
She added, “Imagine people from all over the country, coming together here to understand each other and learn from each other. Imagine the common good that was born here.”
“So, preacher man," she looked straight at me, "do you know what this gathering was called?”
"I have no idea," I replied
“It was Ecclesia. It’s where your word for church comes from. You should know that,” she chided. And she was right!
I knew that word meant church, but her background opened a revival of in my head. "Imagine the common good that is born in ecclesia…” Her simple story knocked me up the side of the head…Purhaps we have missed the point…What is ”church” really about?

Ekklesia is what word Jesus used when He said He was going to build His "Church". It was not a building. It was a gathering of people who loved God and each other.


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