Which words lead to a bad relationship with God.

Day of Year: 40

Date: 2.9.14

Favorite Verse:Matthew 12.
37 For [ai]by your words you will be justified, and [aj]by your words you will be condemned.”

Thought for the day: Humans have self control ability.  If you say with your mouth that Jesus is your leader then they leads to a certain opportunity to be justified by Him and His death on the cross in your behalf.  If you chose words that resist Jesus love then that choice leads to dark paths.  Choose the words that reflect trusting Jesus for your justification.

Jesus Reading (Ten Minutes): Matthew 12.33-37

+ Rest of New Testament: Acts 19.1-10

+Psalm of the Day: Psalm 33.1-11

+Proverb of the Day: Proverbs 6.30-35

+Rest of Old Testament:


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