12.22- Sometimes we want to help people and yet they know they need to do it for themselves.
12.22- Sometimes we want to help people and yet they know they need to do it for themselves. There are other times that we need help to do something we cannot do for ourselves. The butterfly comes out by pushing his new wings against the cocoon. You can take a knife and rip it open for him ajd it will not live. It needs the push to gain strength. Each stage of life requires pushing forward. To learn to walk To learn to not be able to walk. To learn to tie your shoes To learn to use velcro. To learn to button your shirt. To learn to let someone else button your shirt. These are stages of life and transformations of some sort. They require us to do all we are supposed to do and not be slothful. Tuesday a lady asked me how did I handle my cooking. I told her it was a process of learning what I like and what has an easy cook and clean up cycle. After my 78th birthday I started to reflect on this current stage of my life. I have learned to adjust to the new stage by pushing myself...