A Letter from Jail
In Honor of MLK Day:
T. S. Elliot said,
Are the disciples of Jesus around the world too comfortable
Are we too passionate?
Are we too passionate about the wrong things?
What is the quickest way to get Christians committed to
Jesus for the right reasons?
Letter From A Birmingham Jail
Perhaps I have once again been too optimistic. Is organized
religion too inextricably bound to the status quo to save our nation and the
world? Perhaps I must turn my faith to the inner spiritual church, the church
within the church, as the true ekklesia and the hope of the world. But again I
am thankful to God that some noble souls from the ranks of organized religion
have broken loose from the paralyzing chains of conformity and joined us as
active partners in the struggle for freedom.
Martin Luther King
Intensive Daily Bible Reading
If you have ten minutes, read Jesus from the Gospels.
(Read prayerfully seeking guidance from Jesus for your
personal situation.)
If you have thirty minutes, read Jesus and the New
Testament selection.
If you have forty minutes, read Jesus, the New Testament
and a Psalm selection.
If you have an hour, read all the readings.
Think of this time as an intimate conversation with your
Father in Heaven.
Listen for something of His love from His heart to yours today.
Read a chapter
of Jesus :Matthew 19.
Read a chapter
from Acts:19.
Read a chapter
from this New Testament Book:1 Corthinians 4.
Read a paragraph
from a Holy Spirit inspired older teacher to a younger teacher:2 Timothy 1.3-14
Read a verse about
the beauty of the Word of God:Psalm 119.19
Read a couple
of chapters from the Old Testament:Genesis 36,37
Read a chapter
from Wisdom Literature:Job 19
Read a Psalm:17
Read a few
verses from Proverbs:19.1-4