Religion. Healthy or Unhealthy? What do you think?
When I worked in the Dallas Fort Worth area in the first few years
of my ministry I felt religion around me was making me more unhealthy instead
of healthy. Then I moved to Denver and
felt that outside of the Bible belt there was a less judgmental attitude
against me because there was less religion by comparison. Now with my retirement I have moved back into
the DFW area and am seeing some very healthy expressions of Jesus in His
church. This has made me rethink some
I may be way off base here but here goes:
Healthy people whether religious or not will not be negative,
critical and judgmental people. They
will speak the truth in love in a way that makes an impact.
If they are literate and have access to written literature, they
do not use this ability to put others down, but to lift others up.
We are quite comfortable during Christmas to sing about baby
Jesus, but we do not want anything to do with the adult Jesus who demands
that we love and pray for our enemies instead of kill them.
We do not want to move the love of God into our hearts because it
means we are no longer in control.
We don’t want to receive the real Jesus into our minds on a daily
basis because it stretches us. It hurts.
We want glorious, beautiful, comforting affirmation from our
friends, not hard hitting truth from Jesus.
Our own system of religion, whether Jews lead by the writings of
Moses or Christians lead by the Apostle
Paul’s writings, the reality is that it (our own system and angles) accuses us
of inconsistency in applying to ourselves what we apply to others. We
want to load others instead of forgive others.
Our pretension of being perfect as a child of God is a
failure. Our hope must be in the grace
and mercy of God for our lives. God can work with brokenness and repentance, but He will not join us in our self-deceit.
People of faith preserve scripture and publically affirm it as a word from God. These writings can lead us to
be a people of grace or people of judgment.
If we follow the letter of the law and apply it to judge others and
ourselves it becomes unhealthy. If we
read, meditate and pray and allow the Spirit of God to fill our hearts it
makes us more loving toward ourselves
and others.
Larry Wishard
What do you think?