Are you a disciple of Jesus and already weary of those new year's resolutions?

There are things in this world that can make us very weary:

Giving instructions to people.



Hard questions.

Helping blind, lame, hearing deficient people.

Helping the marginalized of society.

Giving good news to poor people.

Being strong-minded in the face of a weak-minded culture.

Having no security in our home environment.

Marching to the beat of Jesus’ rather than the world.

Being criticized when standing with Jesus’ way.  Fierce conversations are necessary.

Working out of our own sin struggles.

Staying friendly with tax collectors.

Denouncing sin.  Fierce conversations are necessary.

Challenging people to change before it is too late.  Fierce conversations are necessary.

These are some things that disciples of Jesus will be doing with Him and for Him.

We get weary.

What to do?

Praise God as our Father and Lord of heaven and earth.

Thank God that the wise and intelligent people are not the limit of our wisdom.

Thank God that even children can understand that God loves them.

Thank God that Jesus’ way is well pleasing to God even if not pleasing to men.

Thank God that Jesus is in total authority.

Draw near to Jesus and enjoy His rest.

Take your work guidance from your yoke fellow, Jesus, and let silence do the heavy lifting.

Jesus is gentle with us always.

Jesus is humble in heart.

Jesus will give us rest for our soul.

Truly His yoke is easy and His burden is light.

Larry Wishard


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