Why we don't see God.
Day of Year: 12
Date: 1.12.14
Jesus Reading (Ten Minutes): Matthew 5.1-12
+ Rest of New Testament: Acts 8.1-3
+Psalm of the Day: Psalm 10.1-11
+Proverb of the Day: Proverbs 2.12-15
+Rest of Old Testament: Genesis 24, 25
Favorite Verse: Matthew 5.8
8 “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.
Thought for the day: Many years ago a Russian astronaut who was reputed to be an atheist said that he looked for God on a space walk and didn't see him. Billy Graham responded, "Take of that space suit and you will see him." Another man said the man didn't see God because he didn't have the right equipment, a pure heart.