Jesus and Prostitutes
Day of Year: 85
Favorite Verse: Matthew 21.32
32 For John came to you to show you the way of righteousness, and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes did. And even after you saw this, you did not repent and believe him.
Thought for the day:
Jesus' friends were not labeled negatively by their prejudiced job descriptions. He looked at the behavior of those who turned to Him and He accepted them. They loved Jesus and chose the path of right living and loving. The religious people who did not follow Jesus' way of love chose the wrong path regardless of how religious they were. Jesus was impressed by the walk, not the talk.
Jesus Reading (Ten Minutes): Matthew 21.28-32
+ Rest of New Testament:Romans 7.14-25
+Psalm of the Day: Psalm 62.1-8
+Proverb of the Day: Proverbs 12.21-23
+Rest of Old Testament: Deuteronomy 24,25