Don't Quit

Regarding teaching young people not to quit,
"Quitting is the easiest thing to do but it will last the longest and you'll never forget it so hang in there.  Just keep going..." Jim Claviezel

When we gather around with good friends there is a chance that we will leave feeling uplifted and encouraged.  Don't allow time to pass without getting together with good friends. It will help your mental health.

Good friends are people who help you to feel loved by God and by yourself.  If there is someone you name a good friend and they don't have this effect, you might need to call them something else.

When God does something dramatic to help you-worship Him and be a salt and light to others regarding Him as the source of every good and perfect gift.
God's loving touch happens when we worship and reflect on His word.  A crisis can be on opportunity to connect with Jesus.  When we connect with honesty and humility He will help us to be free of guilt and shame.

Jesus is the risen Savior who has powered good meetings among friends for thousands of years.

Suffering is common and normal and unavoidable.  You get to choose the suffering.  The suffering and regret of quitting or the suffering and strength of keeping going in a noble task.  I want to choose the later.

The suffering is followed by healing from God.  Comfort from God is the best.  Have faith that beyond the suffering is the comfort and closeness to God and new strength.  Open hearts receive God who is love.

Larry Wishard


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