Good hearted young people shouldn't die but they do. In memory of Miranda Morrison Self

My first memory in life is in the context of the death of an old person.  My great grandmother died when I was about two and I vaguely remember staying in the home of Eli and Jean word, one of my mom’s good friends during the funeral.  She had been sick only about two weeks.  I suspect I got an impression that death should be kept away from the thoughts of a young child. 

My second memory is the funeral of my grandfather.  He was about 70 and died of a heart attack.  I went to the funeral and served as a pall bearer.  I couldn't understand the purpose of a funeral.  Why?  People sit around and cry and think of things that make them cry.

My third memory today is the death of Gene Turman, the most spiritual guy at our school.  He was planning to be a minister and lived a life of clear commitment to God.  He was unashamed of his faith.  He was driving to lunch with his young cousin.  The new red and white 1959 Chevy Impala was completely destroyed by a train and they were killed.
My fourth memory today is the death of Gena Wishard.  I was in several time zones away from home on a short term mission trip. A knock on my door came at about 11 pm.  It was a three friends, Clara Nell Petree, Reniece Jones and Shelly Hines who came to tell me some news.  One of them had called home and found out that there was a phone call from my family to the church building that my niece, Gena Wishard had died.  My first reaction was this. “Young people in my family do not die.”  I left the room the next day to try to call and find out the basis of the mistake.  I called the home of my siblings.  No one answered.  Finally I called my parents home.  My Aunt Johnnie answered. “Yes, its true. The reason you couldn’t get any answers is that the funeral is going on right now.” There was no mistake. I was wrong. Young people in my family die.

My fifth memory is more fresh.  Today, 1.18.16, I must face this truth in my heart again, Good hearted young people in my family die.  After four and a half years of prayers from many good hearted Christians for a miracle healing the answer has come, “No”.  But God, Miranda Morrison Self is a good hearted person.  She is a wife. She is a mother.  The answer is “No.”

I am looking for something to ground and anchor me.

I believe there is a God. This universe design must have a designer.

I believe Jesus is His Son.  He teaches me through His church through Scripture.  
Matthew 6.
“This, then, is how you should pray:
“‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
10 your kingdom come,
your will be done,
    on earth as it is in heaven.
11 Give us today our daily bread.
12 And forgive us our debts,
    as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 And lead us not into temptation,[a]
    but deliver us from the evil one.[b]

On a good day prayer is talking to God and worshiping God regardless of the circumstances and remaining submitted to Him and His way regardless. 

I believe the Christmas story, God’s son came from heaven to be born as a humble human destined to die.
I believe the Easter story, God’s son died on the cross to trade His righteousness for our sinfulness.
He rose from the grave and ascended to heaven.
I believe His promise that our heart’s should not be troubled if we believe in God and in Jesus.

We have been given freedom by the nature of humans to believe in something or believe in nothing.  I have chosen to believe in someone.  Jesus. 

It has made my life more pained and confused in some ways, but richer and deeper in many other ways as well as giving me hope in all circumstances.

Spencer was there at the graveside yesterday.  He brought Jackson with him.  He chose to not hide death from his five year old son.  All of the family and friends have great respect for how loyal to Miranda Spencer has been.

Susan, Brett and Mitch Morrison were there at the graveside yesterday.  Her grandad with the same birthday as Miranda was there also.  He took her on dates on their birthday.  There were about 50 family and friends at the graveside who had watched four and one half years of prayer be answered, “No”. 

 These family members invited their friend and minister, John Warren to read Scripture and give us all the hope of Jesus.

Why did they choose John to read Scripture and speak and pray.  Why pray when prayer doesn’t work?  Brett and Susan spoke at their home after the burial.  Brett said that they had seen God alive in the service of all the people in the context of this bad situation.  Susan said, "God was at the front door of their home bringing a green bean casserole."

Then on Sunday, 1.17.16, the family and friends had planned a beautiful memorial service for Miranda.  Flowers.  Beautiful hymns from Amazing Grace to I can only imagine.  Scriptures of hope were read. Prayers were prayed.  Over 500 people came to the service and many took the time to greet and hug the family.

Gene Turman and Gena Wishard were good hearted young people who died too young from my perspective.  Miranda also was a good hearted young person.  After massive prayer, surgery, chemo therapy, radiation therapy and hard suffering and a strong fight from Miranda the answer was no to us.  But what if this life is not all there is.  What if this is only training for the ultimate life on the other side?. 

Good-hearted Stephen, prayed to God while being killed by stoning and as he died he prayed that God would not lay this sin to the killer’s accounts.  He saw Jesus standing.  I like to think that Jesus gave him a standing ovation.(Acts 7)

But as surely as I can see Jesus giving a standing ovation to Stephen for dying with a good heart I can see Jesus giving a standing ovation on Friday evening, 7.15.16, at 7.45am to Miranda Morrison Self.  Well done Miranda. Welcome home.

Larry Wishard


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