Does Your Presidential Candidate Behave As A Christian?
There are five presidential candidates in America remaining
in the two major parties. Does your
favorite one behave as a “Christian”?
Answer these questions for Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Donald
Trump, Ted Cruz, John Kasich
1. She/he
respects her husband or wife. T F
2. She/he
is loving. T F
3. She/he
is compassionate. T F
4. She/he
is humble. T F
5. She/he
does not retaliate. T F
6. She/he
does not use sharp-tongued sarcasm. T F
7. She/he
seeks peace. T F
8. She/he
is quick to give a meal to the hungry and a bed to the homeless. T F
9. She/he
says nothing hurtful. T F
10. She/he
is prayerful. T F
Please read 1 Peter 3,4
Larry Wishard