1.24-What happens to people when they die.

What happens to you when you are a child of God and you die?

Jesus taught that when we die we are still who we were on earth.  The consequences of our choices follow us to the other side.  All people live less than a perfect life.  All people have regrets for things not done or things done.  What happens to them when they die?

Jesus taught that there is life on the other side.  When Jesus died on the cross He was referred to as the sacrifice offering so that the sins of everyone in the world could be forgiven by a Holy God.  He said it is finished.  The debt of all of humanity's sins was paid.  Those who have received the forgiveness of God will enjoy heaven forever.  Those who reject God and His grace and mercy face the judgment of a Holy God.  The good news is that forgiveness is available to all.  Jesus on the cross told a thief who was dying with Him that after they died He would see Him in Paradise.

John 5.
28-29 “Don’t act so surprised at all this. The time is coming when everyone dead and buried will hear his voice. Those who have lived the right way will walk out into a resurrection Life; those who have lived the wrong way, into a resurrection Judgment.

Acts 24.
14-15 “But I do freely admit this: In regard to the Way, which they malign as a dead-end street, I serve and worship the very same God served and worshiped by all our ancestors and embrace everything written in all our Scriptures. And I admit to living in hopeful anticipation that God will raise the dead, both the good and the bad. If that’s my crime, my accusers are just as guilty as I am.

Hebrews 9.
27-28 Everyone has to die once, then face the consequences. Christ’s death was also a one-time event, but it was a sacrifice that took care of sins forever. And so, when he next appears, the outcome for those eager to greet him is, precisely, salvation.


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