9.11-The Audacious attack and the Audacious Rescue


The destroyer worked destruction. In New York, Washington, Shanksville, PA.
The God of heaven worked rescues.

Genesis 9. 11 I establish my covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth.”
An audacious promise from God following and overwhelming destruction with water.  God promises that there will never be another flood incident that destroys the earth.

Revelation 9.
11 They had as king over them the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon and in Greek is Apollyon (that is, Destroyer).

An audacious attack from the evil one who wants to destroy has been launched since the beginning of time through to the end of time.

An audacious plan to deliver humans from the destroyer had been in place before the foundation of the universe.

God would become a human, born into a common family seen first in a manger as a sign that a new kind of King had been born, the Savior of the world.

Announced by most lowly of workers, shepherds.
Worshipped by wise men from the east.
Growing in wisdom, stature, favor of God and man.
Celebrating life at weddings by turning water into wine.
Speaking truth to religious leaders you cannot see or enter the true kingdom of God without a rebirth.
Breaking barriers between people whether race, gender, nation by laying down their lives.
Doing the Father’s will with compassion to help the poor, the prisoner, the lonely, the hungry and sick.
For living this life and telling the truth and fulfilling God’s plan He was executed on a cruel cross.
On the cross He kept loving, “Father Forgive Them for they don’t know what they are doing.”
Saying to a thief being executed with Him, “Today you will be with me in paradise.” Because the man had faith in Jesus return beyond death.  Saying that this horrible day is not the last day of your life.
After breathing His last breath they placed His body in a borrowed tomb.
Then after three days they came to the tomb on Easter morning and it was empty.
The audacious plan to save humanity worked.

Since that day men and women have been willing to risk their lives to save others.
They care more about others than they care about their own lives.
They work for the life and freedom of humans.

On 9.11.01 in America some of these who believe in Jesus Christ gave their lives to fulfill the promise of Jesus Christ that in the most dangerous places there will be people who will lay down their lives for others.  In addition since this time many men and women have sacrificed their lives so that the lives of innocent women and children can be enriched and freed from horrible oppression and slavery.

When you make an audacious plan that requires the presence of God to accomplish, then God will show up to accomplish what is the best fulfillment of God’s promises that are possible.

9.11, A day to remember the audacious promises of God.

Larry Wishard


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