7.14 I have had many fun, learning experiences with my kids and grandkids
I have had many fun, learning experiences with my kids and grandkids. Sheila and I often took them to Estes Park, Colorado.
They have to move me into a fun place for me to learn with them. As long as I am in a redundant and boring environment, we don’t have new learning experiences, just rest. Work is good and rest is good, but the very best is a fun and exciting learning atmosphere.
Seven years ago today my grandson, Jared, moved me to go to Dallas Cowboy stadium to take pictures and look over the territory in Arlington. There were lovely clouds in the background on this hot day and our car a/c was not working so we had to move along quickly, but we did enjoy the ride and the learning atmosphere.
Because of the Covid 19 situation by March 11, 2020, the atmosphere for learning moved from an exciting social environment of school to a very restrained, limited learning location. No school friends, no athletics, no fun with friends and a focus on learning alone. Not bad for the first week, but by week four little learning was happening for many students. There is a necessity for those who want us to learn that they move us into a position to be helping people and expanding our brain sensors in new environments.
When I started teaching school in the cave man days of 1968, I knew that I had to make sure we had fun as we learned. We had classroom time, but we also had time on the basketball court. We had time in the biology lab, but also in the spring and fall there were field trips to look at real life. It seems to me, learning without active application just doesn’t happen as it should.
When we got back home from our trip to Cowboys stadium seven years ago today, I’m sure I sat down to plan my own next learning lesson for myself.
My grandson flew back to Atlanta and our summer vacation learning was over for that summer.
So my devotional thought for today.
"Human progress is neither automatic nor inevitable... Every step toward the goal of justice requires sacrifice, suffering, and struggle; the tireless exertions and passionate concern of dedicated individuals." Martin Luther King, Jr.
Ecclesiastes 10.1
Dead flies make a perfumer’s oil stink, so a little foolishness is weighter than wisdom and honor.
Larry Wishard
I have renamed my blogspot and given a new theme called
Fun Learning Partner. Dedicated to all teachers and parents and grand
parents who are relearning to to keep a fun atmosphere in order to teach