5.18-Moving by faith
There is moving up.
Moving down.
Moving on.
Moving forward.
Moving back.
Moving forward.
Moving home.
Moving somewhere, not sure where.
Eight years ago today we saw our house. Precisely it was Beth's house. My favorite thing about it was windows everywhere a window could be.
We had the perfect house for our situation in Aurora for thirty years. Big, roomy and big group friendly. We commonly had 50 for our Christmas party. That house was a gift from God. Raising kids and grandkids we wore it out. When we moved there we didn't know if we could get it or not. We thought. We prayed. We got an excellent Christian realtor and it worked out.
Same thing happened 30 years later. Our realtor, Deborah Biggers, helped Beth's house become Larry and Sheila's house. Talked to her today and she is still helping people with needed house changes. We believe that major moves happen one step at a time with God bringing in the right people at the right time.
God told Abraham it's time for a move. He moved out following God without knowing exactly where his faith in God would lead him.
Is God asking you to move? Physically, spiritually, relational, emotionally. Spiritually. If you are sure it is your Father in heaven leading then the move will go well. God is love. All things work together for good to those who love and who are called to move in step with Him.