10.5- Unexpected Ways



Unexpected Ways                               I Kings 19:1-12                                Mart Dehaan

    In 1986, five-year-old Levan Merritt fell twenty feet into the gorilla enclosure of England’s Jersey zoo. As parents and onlookers cried out for help, a full-grown male silverback named Jambo, placed himself between the motionless boy and several other gorillas. Then he began to stroke the child’s back. When Levan began to cry, Jambo led the other gorillas into their own enclosure as zookeepers and an ambulance driver came to the rescue. More than thirty years later Levan still talks about Jambo the gentle giant – his guardian angel who had acted in a shockingly unexpected way, changing his perceptions of gorillas forever.

    Elijah may have expected God to act in certain ways, but the God of gods used a rock-shattering wind, a powerful earthquake, and raging fire to show His prophet how not to think of Him. Then He used a gentle whisper to show His heart and to express His presence.

(I Kings 19:11-12).

    Elijah had seen God’s power before (I Kings 18:38-39). But he didn’t fully understand the One who wants to be known as more than the greatest and most fearsome of gods

(I Kings 19:10, 14). 

    Eventually, that quiet whisper found fullness of meaning in the powerful gentleness of Jesus, who said, “Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father” (John 14:9). Then He quietly allowed Himself to be nailed to a tree – an unexpected, compassionate act by the great God who loves us.


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