1.22- There is a phrase in Jesus model prayer,
There is a phrase in Jesus model prayer,
"Our Father in heaven."
Our, not "My" This reminds me that we are a family. We are not alone. All humans are our brothers and sisters in "Adam".
"Father" in heaven. Our Father in heaven is perfect in love and I am not. Yet, we are given grace and mercy from God and from our children so that we can be close to each other in spiritual closeness even if we are separated physically.
Some times tears come to my eyes when I think of the joy God has given to me in my children and grandchildren and their gracious love toward me after making many mistakes in "raising them" though really I am starting to think they were and are "raising me".
I was able to enjoy time with my son and daughter in law and daughter in the last month and this has made me full of joy in God.
My family is a very diverse bunch as my profile picture shows, but what today, MLK Day, reminds me of that I am thankful for the progress we have made in our country and in our community. When it comes to racial attitudes and this day pushes me to the love and passion for the right attitudes as we go forward. Jesus had to be about His Father's business from the time He was twelve until He died on the cross between two thieves.
I as a follower of His must stay focused on breaking any barriers that exist among people simply because of their racial or ethnic or national background. I am so sorry for the tragedy that happened yesterday to my neighbors at the synagogue in nearby Colleyville on Saturday. Martin Luther King reminded all of us to be careful to not become like the people who hate us. God said for us to "overcome evil with good."