1.4- My mom and dad maintained an account


My mom and dad maintained an account at the F. & M. State Bank in Ladonia Texas for many years. The bank President for years was Mr. Eastman. Dad told him that any check on his account could be signed by his children and dad would stand good for it. We could sign Wayne Wishard and under his name write by (Larry Wishard) and I could pay for any necessity.
This made me feel totally secure in my dad's name. Jesus told His disciples that we could ask our Father in heaven for anything we need "in His name" and we would receive it.
So we ask for our needs and wants in Jesus name and we receive what we need or something even better.
Christmas was a time I would ask for a ball glove and with help of mom's Sears and Roebuck catalog i would get what i asked for.
Merry Christmas.

John 15.
If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. 


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