3.25- Jesus is the light and the life.
Jesus is the light and the life.
He goes where there is death and brings life. Arrogance kills. Meditation on Jesus brings life.
He is loved because of His spiritual connection with His Father and with His friends. This causes our faith, confidence in the promises of God to become richer through the years. Faith in God leads to growth in responsibilities and shrinking back causes a loss of responsibilities.
There is a kind of communion with people in the Holy Spirit that is completely unique. Kisses, hugs and tears are normal.
It is resurrection.
It is helping others in our fellowship circle unwrap their spiritual gifts. Family and friends unwrap our failures, but fellowship with Jesus and His people helps us to be all we can be. It is refreshing each other to keep on keeping on. It is those who are a father to the fatherless because of their imitation of God, our heavenly Father. Generation after generation who strive for integrity.
John 11.