10.12- History records for the last 2500 years that If you are a child of God.
History records for the last 2500 years that If you are a child of God. If your life has been uprooted as a discipline from God, you can be sure that when you admit the truth of your situation and turn way from your self destructive conduct and you have hit bottom, bottom, bottom, then He is ready to bless you and set you up with a feast of joy. Nothing makes heaven happier than a wayward prodigal coming home.
Jeremiah 12.
14 This is what the LORD says: “As for all my wicked neighbors who seize the inheritance I gave my people Israel, I will uproot them from their lands and I will uproot the people of Judah from among them. 15 But after I uproot them, I will again have compassion and will bring each of them back to their own inheritance and their own country.