1.1- My hopes for the New Year are that we who believe that the design of the universe speaks of a designer.
1.1- My hopes for the New Year are that we who believe that the design of the universe speaks of a designer. Our designer has built human beings with eternity their hearts. The human imagination includes a place for belief that the cirlce of life continues each year. Last year a number of my friends moved from this old earth, but also this year some of my family and friends welcomed new babies into their families. There were people who got married and started families. There were people who were engaged to be married and start a family in the future. I had people close to me who started new jobs and new companies and began new books and screenplays. The new year contains that longing in the human heart to expand the joy and love that is possible on this planet. When the love of God is spread in the family day after day great things can happen. Yes, my hope is living and placed in God being a good God. I plan to look for good things happening every day and spread the message i...