3.13.1915 Arthur Wayne Wishard was born.


Arthur Wayne Wishard was born. He had childhood of hard work on the farm and lost his dad when he was twelve. In his youth he played baseball and the mandolin. He had to go to work full time at 12. He dropped out of school and never learned to read until he was an adult. He read true detective magazine and the Bible to learn to read.
He was self educated by reading the Sherman Democrat, The Bonham Daily Favorite and sometime the Dallas Morning news and listening to the the Texas Farm report on KFYN, Bonham.
He loved to work or play with his children. He really flourished in his third act after the kids left home and he retired, Age 70 to 90.
He took trips with mom to see the kids and grandkids. First and only flight was to Denver to visit us. He made a good joke about the little tractor that pulled the plane out of Dallas looked like same one that met us in Denver and he would liked to have watched that tractor take off.
He was fun almost all the time to most everyone except the kids when they we getting discipline. "Nothing good happens after midnight so you be home by 11.30pm."
He had the view that you needed to be working daylight to dark six days a week. Sunday, worship, rest, play and tend to cows.
He was the father on earth that I needed. He loved my mother to the end and through the end.

Malachi 4.
“Behold, I am going to send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and terrible day of the Lord. He will turn the hearts of the fathers back to their children and the hearts of the children to their fathers, so that I will not come and strike the land with complete destruction.”
May be an image of 6 people
All reactions:
You, Amy Wishard Goggins, Clint Norwood and 12 others


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