Forgive people over and over. What it means and what it does not mean.

Day of Year: 72
Favorite Verse: Matthew 18.22
22 Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.[g]

Thought for the day:
Jesus trains His disciples to be forgiving to the point that others might consider Him and His followers naive. They are not.  The reality is that forgiveness is releasing all pressure to punish and turn the person over to God for judgment.  A weight is taken off our spirit at that moment. This does not mean that we put the person back in a position to hurt us or others again. That would be bad for everyone concerned.

Jesus Reading (Ten Minutes): Matthew 18.21-35
+ Rest of New Testament:Romans 1.18-23
+Psalm of the Day: Psalm 55.1-11
+Proverb of the Day: Proverbs 11.16,17
+Rest of Old Testament:Numbers 31,32


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