How to follow Jesus during times of harsh treatment.

How to follow Jesus during times of harsh treatment

Nonviolence means avoiding not only external physical violence but also internal violence of spirit. You not only refuse to shoot a man, but you refuse to hate him.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

One of Jesus disciples who watched Him suffer crucifixion though innocent wrote about how He handled unjust suffering. If you are a follower of Jesus here is how to behave during times of suffering and harsh mistreatment.

1. Submit to authorities whether they are harsh or not.
2. Silence critics by excellent behavior.
3. Do not cover up evil.
4. Respect everyone.
5. Love the brotherhood of believers.
6. Fear God.
7. Honor the King.
8. Remember Jesus is the only perfect example. He trusted everything over to God who will judge justly.
9. Be dead to sinful vengeance that is God’s business.
10. Follow Jesus as a good shepherd who has saved us from being lost sheep. Trust Him.
1 Peter 2.13-25
Larry Wishard


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